At Compass Coaching, coaching is about facilitating change for the better.
At Compass Coaching, we help individuals move from where they are, to where they want to be. And if they don’t know where they want to be, coaching helps them gain clarity. In practical terms, we help them set goals, strategies and action plans, and achieve them.
Just like a sports coach, we keep you on track by holding you accountable and keeping you focused in a regular and supportive way. In this way, you can be the best you want to be.
We encourage everyone to live proactively instead of reactively – to find you own answers and make you own decisions. Along the way we pull you up and cheer you on too!
Who uses coaching?
Life coaching or transpersonal coaching can help anyone who wants change in their life. Some people know exactly what change they want but don’t know how to make it happen. Others feel discontent, stagnant or stuck and need help to move forward. Others may feel overwhelmed by an important decision in their career, relationship or family life. The common thread is that they are ready to change and they just want some support in making it happen.
When can people use coaching?
– When they are deciding on career change, going for a new job – When they need clarity in one or more parts of their lives
– When they want to improve their life condition – work, personal, emotional, psychological, financial
– When they are at cross roads, going through life transition or crisis
– Most of all when they want support from an impartial person who would have their wellbeing (the client’s) as the focal point
At Compass Coaching, counselling is about facilitating individuals in their healing and growth.
For some, counselling is centered around gaining greater self awareness and accessing their inner resources to help them through a difficult period or a challenge, for others it’s about finding their personal meaning and purpose in life and their path to self actualization.
We facilitate you in your search for your own answers, by tapping into your potential. We provide a safe space for self exploration, expression and discovery with a view to finding self empowering ways to handle life challenges and reach your full potential.
It is a partnership. Together, we travel through your internal landscape. You are in control of your own journey and destination; we assist by holding up your compass while you navigate through the terrain of life.
When can people use counseling?
– When they are feeling sad or depressed or overwhelmed – When they are facing a problem in their life or at cross roads
– work or personal, wanting clarity
– When they are going through life transition and crisis, wanting support from an impartial person who would have their well being as the focal point, wanting a deeper understanding of themselves and their life situation
– When they are seeking deeper meaning and purpose of their life
– When they are ready to heal and grow
Who uses coaching and who uses counselling?“The people who come to me for coaching and counselling can be quite similar. The main difference is that coaching is more goal and results-oriented and deals more with growth. There’s usually homework and agreements that the client is expected to adhere to in coaching.Counselling is more fluid, exploratory and developmental. I go where the client wants to go, session by session. There may not be any specific outcome at the end of the session. It deals with both healing and growth.My point of difference is I can switch between the two with clients. If the client needs healing, we have counselling sessions; when they are ready, we can change to coaching and be more focused on growth. My model evolves around healing and growth, it’s a cycle.”
– Abby Lee
To book a session with Abby, contact us or ring (0412 ) 398 368
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